Youth Baseball Coaching Clinic Official Blog

Welcome to the official blog of the Youth Baseball Coaching Clinic. Our blog features free youth baseball articles and daily posts on every aspect of coaching youth baseball including youth baseball practice organization, youth baseball practice drills for youth baseball, youth baseball coaching tips and baseball strategy for coaching kids. Make sure to save this site to your favorites. You will want to visit our site regularly because we update daily. Good Luck to You and Your Team!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Baseball Practice - How to Prepare for a Successful Season

Baseball Practice - How to Prepare for a Successful Season
By Kenny Buford

The key to successful baseball practice -- and a successful season -- is communication. Coaches, players, and parents should all be on the same page regarding the expectations and philosophy of the team.

Communication is Key

Some important issues that should be communicated at the beginning of the season are:

Schedule: players and parents should receive a practice and game calendar as soon as possible so that they can make family and travel plans around it.
Uniform: communicate to players (and parents, depending on age) what you expect them to wear to practice. Games will most likely require uniforms, but if you have any expectations of what players will wear to practice, you need to let them know early.
Practice plan: coaches and players should know what's expected of them during practice and how long each practice is going to last. Each coach should have a clipboard outlining the practice plan for that day, and it would also be beneficial for the plan to be posted so that players can access it as well.
Having all this information available requires a lot of organization and thinking ahead. By knowing your philosophy and approach ahead of time, you can effectively communicate with your team.

Organizing Baseball Practice

When organizing a practice schedule, you should first consider what your goals are for both the short and long term. This will help you determine what to accomplish over the entire season, and you can then break it down into months, weeks, and single practice sessions. Your plan should be flexible to allow change as needed, but having goals will keep your team focused and provide direction for the season.

Any given practice might go something like this:

Begin with stretching while talking about baseball. Players should get their head in the game as soon as practice starts.
Next have the players run to get warmed up.
After running, pair up the players for catch. More advanced players should be paired based on their positions, and beginning players should be paired based on ability level.
Next players should work on drills based on their positions. When teaching drills, coaches should first demonstrate them so that they know players do them correctly, and then have them repeat the drill until it becomes habit.
After drills on the individual, group, and team level, players should have batting practice.
The final part of practice should be running. Running conditioning is most effective if it is somehow related to game play, like exercises to improve base-running technique or even sprinting on or off the field.
For a successful season, practices should be consistent and progressive. Follow the steps above for each practice, knowing ahead of time which skills you would like to focus on. By being organized and communicating your goals to your team, players will come to practice knowing that their hard work is going to pay off!

To learn more coaching tips, go here to watch a free video:
Kenny Buford is a youth baseball coach, and the owner and publisher of, the web's #1 resource for baseball practice drills, tips, and ideas for youth and high school coaches.

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Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine Demo Video

Check out the Hurricane Hitting Machine: Derek Jeter Series:
Hurricane Hitting Machine - Homepage
15 Reasons To Buy a Hurricane Trainer
6 Questions Often Asked By Customers
Message to Parents From Coach Nick
Examples of Hurricane Hitting Drills
The Highly Acclaimed 20-Minute Hurricane Batting Practice Workout
Hurricane Batting Machine Video Clips
Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Baseball Hitting: Basic Hitting Mechanics

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The Pros and Cons Of Coaching Your Own Child's Baseball Team

The Pros and Cons Of Coaching Your Own Child's Baseball Team
By Mitchell Pierce

As children get older and become involved in sports like little league baseball, some parents make a choice to sign up to coach the teams themselves. At the onset of the idea it may seem like a lot of fun, but there is always a downside to any choice. How will it affect your child? Do you know enough about the particular sport? Will you be responsible for other children if they get hurt? All good questions, so let's take a closer look at the good and the bad of signing up to coach your child's baseball team. I'm going to focus on little league because that is what I signed up to do, so I can speak from experience.

Here is a look at some of the pros:

1. You will be spending more time bonding with your child and showing him that you care enough to take on this responsibility.
2. You can have a positive affect on other children and help them grow an understanding of the game of baseball and love for team sports.
3. Winning is always a bonus, but you might really feel a sense that you are connecting with the community and making new friends.

And now for the cons:

1. Because there are other children on the team, you may not have time to devote to your child which could make the child feel neglected or jealous that you are spending time and attention to other kids.
2. Politics and conflicts with the parents could come to being accused of favoring your own child or going easier on your child while being harsh on other children. This result is disastrous for both you and your child.
3. Less free time for other relationships in your life, and your wife or other children might feel like you are not spending enough time with them and too much coaching.

If you really want to have the experience and are dedicated and responsible enough to stay committed to the team, then I say sign up and get ready for the wild ride. On the other hand, if you are stressed already or just have a demanding job, or whatever the reason that you might drop the ball, then maybe your place is on the bleachers. Either way it is important to remember that creating the best and most fun season should be the goal no matter who signs up to be the coach.

About The Author

Mitchell Pierce hopes that you found this article helpful. Mr. Pierce runs several websites including a site that offers free advice on Internet Home Businesses, please visit the Internet Based Businesses site today. There is also a great hub page resource on coaching kids at this link, Coaching Youth Sports.

(C) Copyright, Mitchell Pierce, Internet Based Home Business Guide, All Rights Reserved World Wide.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hitting Mechanics - Stationary Axis' or 'Weight Shift'

Overlooked Fundamentals by Youth Baseball Coaches

Baseball Playing & Coaching Tips : How to Coach Baseball

Youth Baseball Hitting Instruction

Youth Baseball Hitting Instruction
By Jeffery A Wise

Baseball is a sport that's played year round. There's spring ball, summer ball, fall ball and winter conditioning. For this reason, coaches are always looking for information on youth baseball hitting instruction so they can continue to improve their teams.

In one of our recent blog posts titled "How To Teach Kids To Hit a Baseball" we discussed the basics of teaching youth about hitting. Now we'll go deeper into that topic and give some tips that will give your kids an edge for the upcoming season.

First, an important aspect of hitting is confidence. You can immediately tell when a young player has lost his confidence. His first pitch may be a strike and he gets upset, almost to tears. Then his confidence will waiver the rest of his at-bat.

I like to teach kids to remain confident no matter what happens. Don't worry about the first strike. You get at least three chances to hit the ball. There are lots of game winning hits made with two strikes already on the player. As a kid, it's hard not to get upset because they want to please their parents. If we teach kids to stay confident, they are more likely to get a hit. It will also help their confidence later in life.

Second, a child must have fun. Growing up, I learned that the most important part of baseball is to have fun. As soon as baseball becomes a chore, your hitting will fall apart. This is especially true for young players. Teach your youth baseball players to have fun while hitting. Make practice fun. See how many balls they can hit to a certain part of the field. Or, split the team into two groups and have them compete to see which group hits the most line drives into the outfield.

Finally, teach young players to never give up. Youth baseball hitting instruction should include talks about never giving up. Teach them to always work hard at hitting and that it may be their last at-bat of the game when they get the hit needed to win. Show them that baseball is a great game because you have dozens upon dozens of opportunities to do something great.

Jeffery A Wise invites you to learn more about baseball hitting so that you can help your team win. Start learning today at our site through articles, blog posts and videos and start hitting a baseball with confidence.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Advanced Skills Tee - College Hitter Hitting This Baseball Trainer

Coaching Youth Baseball - Tips to Be Successful Without Alienating Parents

Coaching Youth Baseball - Tips to Be Successful Without Alienating Parents
By J Michael Wright

Every parent wants their child to be successful in sports. Youth baseball is normally the first sport in which a child participates. After all, baseball is "America's Game". Youth baseball presents a unique challenge to those that choose to coach. In addition to the task of teaching young children the sport and its many facets, the coach of a youth baseball team must also interact with the parents of the children on the team.

Children are introduced to this team sport as early as five years of age. Parents often become coaches at this time because they feel their child will get a better opportunity to play. Every parent, whether a coach or not, wants their child to be the team's star player. This will undoubtedly cause conflicts between coaches and parents.

Tips to be Successful Without Alienating Parents

1. The purpose of the coach in youth baseball is to teach children how to play the game of baseball and to work together in a team setting.

2. You should have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the rules of youth baseball and the league in which you are coaching.

3. Treat every child on your team fairly and give each an equal chance to play every position.

4. Do not show favoritism to any of the players on your team, especially your own child.

5. Understand that winning is not everything. It is more important that the children participate and have fun instead of worrying about the final outcome of a game.

6. Always maintain your focus on teaching the fundamentals of the game.

7. Plan your practices and the fundamentals you intend to teach at each in advance and stick to your itinerary.

8. Make your practices educational and fun. You will keep your players attention and help them learn and retain the lessons being taught.

9. Instill a sense of discipline and pride in your players. Teach them to listen, follow instructions and take pride in their accomplishments both on and off the field.

10. Offer encouragement and support to your players when mistakes are made. Keep criticism to a minimum.

Following these tips will help you be successful as a youth baseball coach and will prevent alienating the parents of your team members. Your success as a coach should be measured by the knowledge and appreciation of the game you instill in your players, not by the number of games won. Remember that your role as coach is to educate, promote enthusiasm for the sport and, above all, to have fun. In doing so you will find that conflicts with your players' parents will be kept to a minimum and create a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

(C) J Michael Wright

J Michael Wright is the proud parent of two children, has 12 years experience in coaching youth sports teams and has served on the boards of multiple youth sports organizations.

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Seven Tips on How to Hit a Baseball

Seven Tips on How to Hit a Baseball
By Daniel J Cogan

Trying to hit a baseball is one of the toughest things to do in sports. Not many people can go out with a bat and hit a baseball that is moving all different directions while coming in at a high speed. It takes a lot of determination and focus to hit a baseball and most do not succeed because they are not willing to put the time and practice in. I am going to tell you seven steps that will teach you how to hit a baseball if you are willing to put the time in.

1. Find the bat you would like to use. It should not be too heavy or too light, you want a bat that you can get around to strike the ball with the most power.

2. Find a comfortable grip around the base of the bat. Most people grip the bat as tight as they can, but that is incorrect. You want to hold the bat loosely right around the base of your fingertips, but not the palm of your hand.

3. Get into a comfortable stance. Spread your feet about shoulder length apart, bend your knees and crouch over a little bit. Then bring the bat up to a comfortable spot to where you can bring it down to hit the ball at a direct angle. Most people have their own individual stance. As long as it feels comfortable to the hitter, it can be worked with.

4. Being in the batter's box can be very stressful. It is important for the hitter to stay focused. As long at the hitter can stay relaxed and go through the proper motions the hits will start to come. But if the hitter gets up to the plate very tense it is going to be tough to get a hit.

5. The hitter should know his strike zone. The ideal pitch is right down the middle of the plate, but that isn't going to happen very often. So the hitter should find a zone usually from his chest to the knees, where he has the ability to hit the ball.

6. While in the box there is a process to go though, when the pitcher is in his wind up, the hitter should get in his stance and bring the bat back. Then he should load his weight onto his back foot. This allows the batter to use his whole body to hit the ball instead of just hit arms. Once the hitter has loaded up, and the pitch is on its way, the hitter should step then swing. The hitter should keep his eyes on the ball so he should watch the ball connect off the bat.

7. The last step is to practice. When trying to hit a baseball you can never have enough practice it is all about muscle memory. The more you practice the more you will become comfortable with seeing the baseball come in and you will be able to hit the pitch in your strike zone.

Just remember hitting a baseball can be very frustrating most of the time the pitcher has the upper hand and the batter will fail, but as long as you follow these seven steps and continue to practice, hitting a baseball will become a lot easier than it once was.

Dan Cogan

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gain a Competitive Advantage With Baseball Training Aids

Gain a Competitive Advantage With Baseball Training Aids
By Louis Seeley

Are you looking to take your baseball skills to the next level? Do you dream of throwing harder, batting better, and fielding with ease? These are skills that can be learned, honed, and perfected and baseball-training aids can make it possible.

Practice is the key to success in any athletic endeavor, and baseball is no exception.
The old adage "practice makes perfect" may be cliché, but it is true. Unfortunately, many sports, specifically a team sport like baseball, typically require a group of people to practice effectively. Conventional wisdom tells us that effective baseball training requires at least two athletes. Fortunately, this is no longer true as baseball training aids allow athletes to perform effective and efficient training without a partner or team.

Baseball and softball training aids are athletic training tools designed to develop and improve baseball specific skills. There are a variety of different training aids, each designed to perfect a specific area of your game. Each training tool improves skill-specific muscle memory; so effective training with these tools will vastly improve game performance.

Muscle memory is a form of procedural memory that stores the physical mechanics behind a specific task inside the brain. Muscle memory training is a very important part of athletic success. While it is always great to get faster and stronger, an athlete should really focus on getting faster and stronger in a way that is relevant to his or her specific sport or even his or her specific position.

Baseball training aids not only improve strength, conditioning, and hand-eye-coordination, they do so in a way that directly correlates to baseball success. For example, the Swift Stik lightweight training bat allows hitters to practice hundred of swings in one training session without the injury risks of a heavier bat. This type of repetition is the most important factor in building effective muscle memory.

Another training tool, the Arm Strong, improves throwing strength, accuracy and speed by combining light resistance training with a natural throwing motion. The benefits of this type of training are plain to see. In order to see the same results with an outdated training regimen, an athlete would have to spend hours in the gym, followed by hours playing catch and taking batting practice. That's not exactly efficient.

While no training tool can ever replace real-game experience, there is no reason to risk injury and waste time by treating skill and strength conditioning as different types of training. With baseball training aids, all of these necessary training steps can be combined into one simple program.

That's not all. The best part about these types of training tools is the fact that they can be used alone. There are no more excuses to slack off in the off-season. These training tools put success squarely in the hands of the competitor. It is time to gain a competitive edge with professional baseball and softball training aids.

Louis Seeley is an expert in the area of baseball training aids. For more information on top-of-the-line baseball training aids, visit:
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Baseball - Knee Drill for Pitchers

Baseball - Knee Drill for Pitchers
On , University of Georgia Pitching Coach, Brady Wiederhold demonstrates the knee drill.

Thanks to our sponsors:

Joe Mauer Quick Swing Trainer
How Does the Quick Swing Batting Trainer Work?
Joe Mauer Quick Swing Links
Video Demo of the Joe Mauer Quick Swing Baseball Batting Trainer

Jugs Small Ball Pitching Machine

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Youth Baseball Digest - 4 Important Factors That Can Help New Little League Coaches Be Successful

Youth Baseball Digest - 4 Important Factors That Can Help New Little League Coaches Be Successful
By Nick Dixon

The 4 Most Important Rules that all New Little League Baseball Coaches Should Follow

Coaching Little league is a great way for baseball and softball players to give back to your community. Every baseball player remembers his first t-ball coach, coach pitch coach, little league coach, and high school coach. Baseball coaches have a profound effect on the lives of the players they coach. Being or becoming a great youth baseball coach requires a high level of commitment and dedication. There are 3 important rules that every new little league coach must always follow. Those rules are:

1. You must be a student of the game. To be a good youth baseball coach, you must have a good knowledge of how the game is played, how the rules are applied, and how certain skills and drills are performed. If you feel uncomfortable about a certain position, skill or fundamental, look for help. You may ask another coach. You may go to your local library or book store and find a book on how to coach baseball. You have access to an enormous amount of information about every aspect of the game through your computer and the internet.

2. You must have good help. You can never have too much help when coaching a youth team. Ask your parents and friends to find other volunteers to help you coach your team. It is best to have a parent meeting. Ask for parent volunteers. The parents that volunteer to help should choose a specific area in which they concentrate their effort. You will need at least 2 good assistant coaches. One needs to have enough knowledge and patience to be the pitching coach. One should be the hitting coach.

3. You must remediate your weaker players. In you draft, you may find that you must pick children that are good at certain skills but extremely week in other areas.One often overlooked and neglected aspect of coaching is remediation/ Remediation is special attention and help given to those players that need it. This is a job for what I refer to as the remediation coach. The coach that takes one or two players to the side and works on specific areas of the game in which they are too weak to compete. They may need help with swing mechanics, throwing mechanics, or simple footwork. These kids will master these skills easier and faster when they receive one-on-one personal attention. These "tutoring" lessons pay back huge returns if you can have enough help. The theory is that you must bring every player up to a certain level or much valuable team time will be lost to working with them during team drills. It is best to take these kids aside and work them separately from the team until they get their skill levels up. These lessons should be done in such a way to not embarrass the child or players involved.

4. You must work hard and set a good example. A willingness to work hard may be the most important trait of a successful coach. They work hard at planning, organizing, and executing individual and team drills for both offense and defense. They have high energy levels and are always willing to put forth that little extra effort to make a practice or game run smother.

I hope that you found this article to be helpful. Good luck to you and your team. Have a great day, Nick

The CoachesBest Baseball Store has a great selection of 1400 Baseball Products. Check out the BatAction Hitting Machine baseball pitching simulator. This high speed training machine is 100% Guaranteed to raise Batting Averages and has a full year warranty.

Nick Dixon is the President and founder of Nedco Sports, a sports training company established in 1999. Dixon is also an active and full time high school baseball coach with over 25 years experience. Coach Dixon is better known as the inventor of the BatAction Hitting Machine, the SKLZ Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine, the SKLZ Target Trainer, the SKLZ Derek Jeter ZipnHit Pro, and the SKLZ Strikeback Trainer. Dixon is also a contributing writer for BaseballCoachingDigest, the Youth Baseball Digest, the Baseball Parent Guide, the Baseball 2Day Coaches Journal, and Blog4Coaches.

Article Source:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Baseball Tips for Hitting: What Every Player Needs to Know

Baseball Tips for Hitting: What Every Player Needs to Know
By Jeffery A Wise

Every great ball player knows you can't step up the plate unprepared. You've got to be focused, mentally and physically ready for any situation. Every at bat is different and you will never experience the same situation twice. But, there are some baseball tips you must know that will help with whatever circumstance you face.

To be the best hitter possible, you have to work hard. It requires more than just skill. You need to discipline yourself and focus on your goals. For hitting the ball better, here are steps you should take to make it happen:

Find at least two hitting drills that challenge you and practice them regularly.
On or off season, you should be participating in some physical conditioning to keep your body strong and in good shape.
At each live batting practice, hit at least 20 balls. Hit to all areas of the field and even bunt a few balls.
Study professional games and watch the hitters and pitchers. Follow those who have good mechanics, good work ethic and a good attitude.
Take care of your body by eating and drinking right.

None of these steps are incredibly hard and with commitment and endurance, they will make you the hitter you want to be. Growing up, I played with guys who are now in the MLB. They stood out because they worked so hard to be the best. And now you can see why they are where they are. Their hard work paid off.

You get out of hitting what you put into it. And don't be shy to ask for help from a parent, coach or teammate. Every great player has had help. Support from others, hard work and preparation will get you where you want to be.

Jeffery A Wise invites you to learn the proven system of baseball hitting so that you can learn how to hit a baseball better. Start learning today with our blog about hitting the baseball, watching our videos and following us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Check out the Hurricane Hitting Machine: Derek Jeter Series:
Hurricane Hitting Machine - Homepage
15 Reasons To Buy a Hurricane Trainer
6 Questions Often Asked By Customers
Message to Parents From Coach Nick
Examples of Hurricane Hitting Drills
The Highly Acclaimed 20-Minute Hurricane Batting Practice Workout
Hurricane Batting Machine Video Clips
Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine

The Coaches Best Baseball Store has a great selection of 1400 Baseball Products. Check out the BatAction Hitting Machine baseball pitching simulator. This high speed training machine is 100% Guaranteed to raise Batting Averages and has a full year warranty.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Baseball Coaching Digest: The Perils of Defensive Assumption in Baseball Action

By Nick Dixon

Assuming or taking for granted certain things when your team is playing defense can lead to costly mistakes and could lead to a loss. This article outlines three things that coaches and players should never assume when you are playing defense.

Assuming Every Player Knows the Number of Outs

This is the most common mental mistake a team or coach makes. They have a player that does not know how many out there are. I have witnessed in many different forms. Several times I have seen catchers think that there were three outs and the inning was over, so they rolled the ball toward the pitcher and allowed an alert runner on third score on a mental error.

I have seen an outfielder think that there were two outs when he caught a fly ball hit shallow into center field. He assumed that there were two out when he caught what he thought was the third out. He relaxes after the catch only to realize that the runner at third base has just tagged up and scored.

Making such mental mistakes can be prevented if the middle infielders relay and communicate the number of outs to the outfielders and other players after each out is made. It should be a standard procedure that every player on the team show at least one teammate the sign for the current number of outs after each out is made.

Assuming Everybody Knows the Bunt Coverage

Assuming everyone in the infield knows what the bunt situation is and the coverage that is on at the time can lead to a costly mistake. We have all seen it happen. The first baseman charges the bunt. The pitcher bounces off to the third base side and the catcher bounces out perfectly. The catcher calls the first base man off the ball, fields it, and comes up throwing to first. However, the second baseman was napping and did not get there to field the throw. The second baseman had what we call a "brain fart". He was not mentally alert and in the game. Therefore, it is important that the catcher call time, step out in front of the plate, and signal the bunt coverage that has been called for the situation.

Coaches must not assume that every player is alert. The key is communication between coaches and players. The coach must talk to his catcher and middle infielders constantly to make sure that they are in the game. Players should be taught to talk the game between pitches and communicate the situation, likely plays by the offense, and whose "got the bag" between pitches.

Assuming a play will or will not be made
Wrong assumptions can lead to devastating results when a team is on defense. A player should always hustle to a ball or to the correct position when the ball is hit or put into play. It can be costly for an outfielder to relax on a ball in the gap because he thinks the other outfielder is going to make the play. Not getting over to back up a fellow outfielder can cost a team valuable bases and even a run, if the ball is miss-played, missed or is a base it that gets by an outfielder.

Outfielders should always hustle, talk, and communicate when the ball is hit. Even if the other outfielder calls the ball, the outfielder should hustle over the back up on the play.

Outfielders should always back up throws as if the throw is going to be missed. Defensive players should never assume a catch. Catchers should sprint to back up throws at first base when there are not runners on. Just when the catcher assumes a ball will be caught, rather than missed, the first baseman will let the tying run get to second base with a miss-played short hop. If the catcher hustles to back-up on the play as he should, the runner does not advance to second base.

I hope that you found this article to be informative. I appreciate you taking the time to read it. For more articles like it, visit the Baseball Coaching Digest, Youth Baseball Digest, and the Baseball Parent Guide websites and blogs. Good luck to you and your team.
Have a great day, Nick.

Nedco sports announces the release of a great new product for baseball teams and schools, the Batting Cage Door baseball pitching simulator. Sales for $199.95BatAction Hitting Machine Available now for just $119.95.

Nick Dixon is the President and founder of Nedco Sports, a sports training company established in 1999. Dixon is also an active and full time high school baseball coach with over 25 years experience. Dixon coaches at Boaz High in Boaz Alabama. Dixon is a member of the American Baseball Coaches Association and Alabama Baseball Coaches Association.

Dixon is better known as the inventor of the BatAction Hitting Machine, the SKLZ Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine, the SKLZ Target Trainer, the SKLZ Derek Jeter ZipnHit Pro, and the SKLZ Strikeback Trainer. Dixon is considered an expert in baseball training and skills development. Dixon also serves as an active consultant to baseball equipment companies and other sports product inventors.

Dixon is also a contributing writer for the Baseball Coaching Digest, the baseball Coaching Digest Blog, the Youth Baseball Digest, the Youth Baseball Digest Blog, the Baseball Parent Guide, the Baseball 2Day Coaches Journal, and Blog4Coaches.

Article Source:


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Friday, November 5, 2010

Youth Baseball Digest: One Cause of Poor Hitting Performance that Often Goes Undetected

By Nick Dixon

Have you ever had a kid that had the perfect baseball swing but sometimes has difficulty hitting live pitching? In drills, the player simply kills the baseball. Every soft-toss rep is a line drive. Every front toss rep is a line drive with power. The player is perfect in every drill that your team but has difficulty hitting live pitching. The player often struggles to hit in games although he has one of the best swings on the team. What could cause a player to perform perfectly in practice but have a difficult time hitting the ball when a pitcher is pitching from regulation distances?

I am speaking from experience here. I once had a right handed player on my high school team that was absolutely a dream hitter in practice and a nightmare hitter in games and live inter-squad games. He would dominate every hitting station with his high velocity bat speed, precision bat control, and unbelievable ability to adjust to every pitch location with the perfect swing adaptation. However, when he faced live pitching he simply looked like "Ned in the First Grade". He would miss or be late on routine and average fastballs. He would be late or completely misjudge curve balls and when he should attack them.

I quickly realized that there was a problem and began to do some research. I soon found some definite performance tendencies. In day games, when he made contact, he almost always hit a ground ball to the second baseman. On ball he should pull, he nearly always got jammed. At night, he hit for 150 points less than in day games. With all these facts considered, we realized his cause for poor hitting. The cause was poor eye sight. We sent him to have his eyes checked. He had extremely poor vision in his dominate eye. He could perform well in our hitting stations and toss drills because they were all done at short distances. When the distance the pitch came from was increased, his ability to see and pick the ball up quickly was diminished. A new set of contact lens got him back on his "A" game. He quickly became as dominate in games as he was in drills.

So the moral of is that if you have a kid that is inconsistent from his hitting in practice to hitting in a game, make sure to have his vision checked. Poor eye sight may be the cause of his poor hitting performance.

I hope that you found this article to be informative and useful. I thank you for taking the time to read it. For more great articles on coaching baseball visit the Baseball Coaching Digest, Youth Baseball Digest, Little League Digest, and the Baseball Parent Guide. Good luck to you and your team. Have a great day, Nick

The CoachesBest Baseball Store has a great selection of 1400 Baseball Products. Check out the BatAction Hitting Machine baseball pitching simulator. This high speed training machine is 100% Guaranteed to raise Batting Averages and has a full year warranty.

Nick Dixon is the President and founder of Nedco Sports, a sports training company established in 1999. Dixon is also an active and full time high school baseball coach with over 25 years experience. Coach Dixon is better known as the inventor of the BatAction Hitting Machine, the SKLZ Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine, the SKLZ Target Trainer, the SKLZ Derek Jeter ZipnHit Pro, and the SKLZ Strikeback Trainer. Dixon is also a contributing writer for, the, the, the Baseball 2Day Coaches Journal, and

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Baseball Pitching Mechanics to Improve Pitching Performance

Baseball Pitching Mechanics to Improve Pitching Performance
By guest author: Bobby Woods

Over the years the most asked questions presented to me is "How do I develop more speed? How do I throw harder? How can I increase velocity? Through experience, research and study, I have found a multitude of concepts and techniques presented to increase throwing speed. Most of all professionals agree that the two main ingredients of speed development are mechanics (the basic and fundamental movement in a sequential pattern) and strength development.

In mechanics, there are various movement aspects that have to be explained. The first is arm path or the path the arm takes when it separates from the glove. This includes arm action, or the speed in which the arm is moving through its path, and arm extension which is how long the arm reaches and extends out in front of the body at release and beyond. Pitchers that have full extension of the hand and the arm will increase speed naturally.

The next factor in mechanics is the trunk or torso rotation. Through torso rotation, there is a transfer of energy to power then speed. The torso has approximately 55 to 60 percent of all the energy needed to throw with speed; therefore it is essential to rotate the torso in order to transfer this energy needed in the arm and hand to develop speed.

To achieve full extension, I am constantly teaching pitchers to have a complete stride length; to move their head out in front of their stride foot, reach out in front of home plate after release and finally, bend at the waist.

The second main ingredient to improving speed is strength development. Overall muscle strength is vital in speed development. The muscles of the legs, torso, chest, back, and arms must be strong and flexible to ensure proper movement. When developing strength in the body for increasing speed, it is imperative that with speed or acceleration there must be shock absorption or deceleration. Most pitchers train their muscles for acceleration and forget that the majority of injuries in the deceleration phase.

One way to develop speed that incorporates both mechanics and strength is by long toss throwing. Long toss will help develop proper throwing mechanics by increasing throwing distances through progressing the number of throws.

It also develops endurance for the muscles of the arm. Structured long toss programs are extremely important in improving throwing speed. There are many different programs, so be careful in choosing the proper program, depending on your level of play.

Remember, speed in pitching is the ability of the pitcher to change the reaction time of the hitter, so learn to maximize your fastball and continue working on your mechanics and strength development.

Remember, have fun and enjoy this great game!

Bobby Woods has a long time passion for sports in general and for baseball coaching more specifically.
His goal is to spread the word about effective non-fluff baseball pitching techniques for both more experienced and young baseball players, to help them perform better during the game. Discover more about baseball pitching mechanics on

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Baseball Drill: Hitting the 3 Basic Strike Locations - Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine

Baseball Drill: Hitting the 3 Basic Strike Locations - Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine
Video shows how to practice hitting all three of the basic strike locations. Batters can practice hitting the inside, middle and away strike location. Video shows a college player hitting the Derek Jeter Hurricane Baseball Trainer. For free tips, drills, and coaching articles, visit the Derek Jeter Hurricane Training Blog at http://hurricanebaseballtrainingmachi... For more product information visit Available at

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Baseball Hitting Tips for Motivation

Baseball Hitting Tips for Motivation
By Jeffery A Wise
There are countless stories of very successful people who were at one time told they wouldn't amount to anything. They were destined to fail in the eyes of the world, but the world was proved wrong. One such case was Babe Ruth.

Another, perhaps less extreme case, is Oakland A's Dallas Braden. He pitched a perfect game, probably the hardest thing to do in all sports, but he was never considered a prospect for great pitching. I bet he is now, though.

Examples like these should encourage and motivate you. One of the most important baseball hitting tips to remember is that you should never give up. Be determined and confident each time you go up to bat. Even if you are in a bad slump, clear your mind and be ready to attack the ball each time at bat. Forget about your last strike out and remember that you're not finished.

Even the greatest hitters in the world only get a hit one out of three or four times. Be patient and know that you can get the job done.

Believe in yourself, even if no one else does. If you are like Braden and not highly regarded by many, remember that your destiny is not sealed. You can make a difference with hard work, motivation and belief in yourself.

Work hard at practice every day and when you get your opportunity you will show them how dedicated you are. Hopefully stories like Braden's and Babe Ruth's will push you in the right direction to accomplishing your baseball goals.

Jeffery A Wise invites you to learn the proven system of baseball hitting tips so that you can learn how to hit a baseball better. Start learning today by following our baseball hitting Twitter account, reading our information and watching our videos.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

How to Throw a Change Up Pitch : Power Positioning for Change Up Pitches

How to Throw a Change Up Pitch : Power Positioning for Change Up Pitches
expertvillageLearn how to put your body in a power position for a change up pitch in baseball with expert tips and techniques in this free sports instruction video.

Expert: Mike Lumley
Bio: Mike Lumley is the President and head instructor of Lumley School of Baseball and has a very extensive back ground in baseball and baseball camps; two years Scholarship at Eastern Michigan University,
Filmmaker: Melissa Schenk

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Jack Hubbard Youth Baseball Clinic - Approach on ground balls

Jack Hubbard Youth Baseball Clinic - Approach on ground balls
Former MLB player Darnell Coles gives instruction on how to approach a hit ground ball for an infield player.

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Coaching Little League Baseball - A Guide to Keeping Young Players Focused

Coaching Little League Baseball - A Guide to Keeping Young Players Focused
By Jack Perconte

Keeping young players focused is a challenge in any sport but can be especially challenging in baseball because of the amount of time players stand around. There is not constant action or as much physical exertion in baseball as there are in other sports. Because of the amount of time in between pitches and the amount of pitches that are not put in play, it is easy for players' minds to wander. Coaching little league is a constant process of reminding young players to "keep their heads in the game." This is easier said than done, of course. Some young players have great sports instincts and are very focused and others are not mentally in the game at all. Most little league players are somewhere in between, where their focus comes and goes.

This is the reason why coaching little league baseball can be more challenging than coaching any other youth sport. Because of the lack of good little league coaching, many of the good athletes gravitate to other sports after playing little league baseball. It is a shame when good athletes choose another sport because coaches do not know positive coaching practices that will help young players stay focused. Following are good positive coaching practices that will help players remain focused during games.

First though, good coaches run fast moving practices with lots of attention given to each player and to the fundamentals of the game. Good little league coaches do not miss opportunities to teach game strategy during practice, as well as in games.

For keeping hitters focused, coaches should:

1. Never teach mechanics during a game at-bat.
2. Simply remind hitters to "see' the ball.
3. Teach the mentality to expect every pitch to be their pitch unless they see otherwise - with this in mind little league coaches should use a take sign sparingly, if at all.
4. Remind hitters they can only control one thing when hitting - talking good swings at good pitches.
5. Never get upset when players are aggressive and swing at bad pitches, just remind them to learn from that the next time.

For keeping fielders focused, coaches should:

1. Teach little league players how to get into ready position as the ball is being pitched.
2. Teach players to think two things before each pitch: what am I going to do with the ball if it is hit to me and what am I going to do if the ball is hit somewhere else. Of course, practice time is where players are taught the responsibilities at the various positions.
3. Teach pitchers to get in a quick rhythm, this will keep fielders on their toes and not allow minds to wander in between pitches.
4. Get in the habit of asking players, "Who wants the ball hit to them?" This mentality is slightly different than expecting the ball to be hit to them. I want players to want the ball hit to them.
5. Practice communication methods so players can remain aggressive, but safe, when going for batted balls.

For keeping pitchers focused, coaches should:

1. Explain to pitchers the importance of working quickly. After receiving the ball from catcher and taking a deep breath, pitchers should pitch the next ball. (Have pitchers watch Chicago White Sox pitcher, Mark Buerhle, to get the idea.)
2. Teach pitchers to focus on the glove and not the batter.
3. Teach pitchers what poise is about - the ability to stay in the moment and only worry about the things they can control - the next pitch.
4. Remind pitchers that they are a fielder after releasing the ball. Good fielding pitchers can help win games.

For keeping base runners focused, coaches should:

1. Remind players to be attentive to the scoreboard at all times - the score of the game, the count on the hitter and, most important, the number of outs in the inning.
2. Allow base runners to make their own decisions during games. This will force them to focus on the situation more, knowing they cannot rely on the coach to make decisions for them.
3. Work-on game-situation base running, rounding and leadoff technique as often as possible in practice.

Finally, it is always a good idea for coaches, before and after practices, to give players in-game scenarios and ask players what they would do in those situations. Players will begin to draw up the scenarios in their heads and will be more focused and prepared for those situations when they happen in games. This type visualization-challenge process is a good first step for players to focus their mind on baseball even when away from practice.

Former major league baseball player, Jack Perconte gives baseball hitting tips and batting practice advice for ballplayers of all ages. His baseball playing lessons, books and advice can be found at Jack is the author of two books, The Making of a Hitter and Raising an Athlete - his positive parenting advice and books can be found at

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Baseball Coaching - Developing a Philosophy

Baseball Coaching - Developing a Philosophy
By Kenny Buford

The key to successful baseball coaching is developing a philosophy. A baseball philosophy should encompass your approach to the game, how you want your team to play, and how you want others to perceive your team. If you are able to effectively communicate your philosophy to your team, then everyone - coaches, players, and parents - will be able to work together towards the same goal.

Where to Begin

The first step in developing a baseball philosophy is considering your past experiences. Think back on your growth as a player and a coach and remember who had an impact on you and why you wanted to play. Try to define the style of baseball you like to play.

In baseball coaching, especially when first developing a program, it is important to remember that baseball will not always be the number one priority for your players. Other factors, like family, school, and church, will be - and should be - more important to them. When developing your philosophy, try to use baseball as a way for players to round out their established priorities.

Remember the Past

When looking back at past experiences in baseball, it is important to remember both the good and the bad. What made something a positive or negative experience? How did your coach's interaction with you make you feel? Use these memories to determine how you want to treat your players - or those you have to cut from the team.

Keep in mind that being a successful coach is less about being a good player and more about being a good teacher. Good players can't always explain how they play so well, but a good teacher should be able to explain any skill in a way the players can understand.

Learn from the Present

A good baseball coach is willing to learn from others and adjust to make necessary changes. Use every interaction with other coaches and teams as a means of expanding your understanding of the game. Everyone has a different approach and style, and if you find some new way that works, you should feel free to incorporate it into your coaching. Ask questions and let coaches know that you admire what they are doing.

Look to the Future

The final step in developing a baseball philosophy is setting goals. What do you want to accomplish with your team? A good goal is to get to the point where every player is playing to the best of his ability. This would mean your team is successful, even if you don't have a winning season.

For more youth baseball coaching ideas and practice planning tips, go here to watch a free video:
Kenny Buford is a youth baseball coach, and the owner and publisher of, the web's #1 resource for youth baseball drills, tips, and practice ideas for coaches.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First Day of Little League

First Day of Little League
Sunshine, Kids, Baseball!

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Traditional Wooden Baseball Bats

Traditional Wooden Baseball Bats
By guest author: Jason Gluckman

Wood baseball bats are available for all leagues and levels. Some believe wood baseball bats embody the art or the poetry of baseball. Precision crafted wood bats are replete with the spine-tingling crack of a home run or the splintered remains of wooden warrior that drilled its last base hit. Though aluminum or alloy bats outnumber wood bats in the non-professional leagues, many players feel a kinship with the natural wood and when using them, feel like they're walking in the footsteps of baseball greats like Babe Ruth or Derek Jeter.

When selecting a wood bat you should carefully hold the handle. Ensure the shape and form work for your grip and batting style. Also make sure the length/ weight ratio is appropriate for your size. Wood bats are carved from mostly maple or ash woods. Wood grains vary greatly in quality. Like furniture dealers, wood bat manufacturers can select from a plethora of wood qualities. The higher quality wood bats strive for hardness, strength, and density without being too heavy. Many claim that maple bats achieve this crucial balance.

Maple baseball bats are among the most popular choices, with ash being its biggest competitor. Maple wood is endowed with a tight grain that offers many of the qualities suited for smacking a baseball. The finer the grade of maple, the more expensive the bat, so remember to ask about the wood grain.

Factors to consider when purchasing a maple bat, like other bats, are weight, length, and grip. Additionally, many players take advantage of the swing-empowering benefits of owning a maple baseball bat. Serious batters in the non-professional leagues, or who have major league aspirations, will often practice with a maple bat instead of an aluminum bat. The sweet spot is more precise and wood bats are solid so they weigh more. After practicing with a wood bat, come game time, your aluminum bat swing will be much more dangerous.

Baseball Bats Info provides detailed information on youth, wood, college, senior league, and discount baseball bats, baseball bat reviews and more. Baseball Bats Info is the sister site of Baseball Gloves Web.

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Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine

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---15 Reasons To Buy a Hurricane Trainer
---6 Questions Often Asked By Customers
---Message to Parents From Coach Nick
---Hurricane Hitting Machine Drills
---20-Minute Hurricane Batting Practice Workout
---Hurricane Hitting Machine Video Demo Clips has a one of the internet's largest selections of baseball coaching and training dvds

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Rich Gedman Baseball Clinic

Rich Gedman Baseball Clinic
Former Red Sox catcher and current Worcester Tornadoes Manager Rich Gedman holds a baseball clinic for kids at Shrewsbury (MA) Middle School.

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