Baseball Hitting Tips for Motivation
By Jeffery A Wise
There are countless stories of very successful people who were at one time told they wouldn't amount to anything. They were destined to fail in the eyes of the world, but the world was proved wrong. One such case was Babe Ruth.
Another, perhaps less extreme case, is Oakland A's Dallas Braden. He pitched a perfect game, probably the hardest thing to do in all sports, but he was never considered a prospect for great pitching. I bet he is now, though.
Examples like these should encourage and motivate you. One of the most important baseball hitting tips to remember is that you should never give up. Be determined and confident each time you go up to bat. Even if you are in a bad slump, clear your mind and be ready to attack the ball each time at bat. Forget about your last strike out and remember that you're not finished.
Even the greatest hitters in the world only get a hit one out of three or four times. Be patient and know that you can get the job done.
Believe in yourself, even if no one else does. If you are like Braden and not highly regarded by many, remember that your destiny is not sealed. You can make a difference with hard work, motivation and belief in yourself.
Work hard at practice every day and when you get your opportunity you will show them how dedicated you are. Hopefully stories like Braden's and Babe Ruth's will push you in the right direction to accomplishing your baseball goals.
Jeffery A Wise invites you to learn the proven system of baseball hitting tips so that you can learn how to hit a baseball better. Start learning today by following our baseball hitting Twitter account, reading our information and watching our videos.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeffery_A_Wise
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