By Daniel J Cogan
Trying to hit a baseball is one of the toughest things to do in sports. Not many people can go out with a bat and hit a baseball that is moving all different directions while coming in at a high speed. It takes a lot of determination and focus to hit a baseball and most do not succeed because they are not willing to put the time and practice in. I am going to tell you seven steps that will teach you how to hit a baseball if you are willing to put the time in.
1. Find the bat you would like to use. It should not be too heavy or too light, you want a bat that you can get around to strike the ball with the most power.
2. Find a comfortable grip around the base of the bat. Most people grip the bat as tight as they can, but that is incorrect. You want to hold the bat loosely right around the base of your fingertips, but not the palm of your hand.
3. Get into a comfortable stance. Spread your feet about shoulder length apart, bend your knees and crouch over a little bit. Then bring the bat up to a comfortable spot to where you can bring it down to hit the ball at a direct angle. Most people have their own individual stance. As long as it feels comfortable to the hitter, it can be worked with.
4. Being in the batter's box can be very stressful. It is important for the hitter to stay focused. As long at the hitter can stay relaxed and go through the proper motions the hits will start to come. But if the hitter gets up to the plate very tense it is going to be tough to get a hit.
5. The hitter should know his strike zone. The ideal pitch is right down the middle of the plate, but that isn't going to happen very often. So the hitter should find a zone usually from his chest to the knees, where he has the ability to hit the ball.
6. While in the box there is a process to go though, when the pitcher is in his wind up, the hitter should get in his stance and bring the bat back. Then he should load his weight onto his back foot. This allows the batter to use his whole body to hit the ball instead of just hit arms. Once the hitter has loaded up, and the pitch is on its way, the hitter should step then swing. The hitter should keep his eyes on the ball so he should watch the ball connect off the bat.
7. The last step is to practice. When trying to hit a baseball you can never have enough practice it is all about muscle memory. The more you practice the more you will become comfortable with seeing the baseball come in and you will be able to hit the pitch in your strike zone.
Just remember hitting a baseball can be very frustrating most of the time the pitcher has the upper hand and the batter will fail, but as long as you follow these seven steps and continue to practice, hitting a baseball will become a lot easier than it once was.
Dan Cogan
Article Source:
BatAction Hitting Machine - The Perfect Youth Baseball Trainer

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Have a great day, Nick