Baseball Tips for Hitting: What Every Player Needs to Know
By Jeffery A Wise
Every great ball player knows you can't step up the plate unprepared. You've got to be focused, mentally and physically ready for any situation. Every at bat is different and you will never experience the same situation twice. But, there are some baseball tips you must know that will help with whatever circumstance you face.
To be the best hitter possible, you have to work hard. It requires more than just skill. You need to discipline yourself and focus on your goals. For hitting the ball better, here are steps you should take to make it happen:
Find at least two hitting drills that challenge you and practice them regularly.
On or off season, you should be participating in some physical conditioning to keep your body strong and in good shape.
At each live batting practice, hit at least 20 balls. Hit to all areas of the field and even bunt a few balls.
Study professional games and watch the hitters and pitchers. Follow those who have good mechanics, good work ethic and a good attitude.
Take care of your body by eating and drinking right.
None of these steps are incredibly hard and with commitment and endurance, they will make you the hitter you want to be. Growing up, I played with guys who are now in the MLB. They stood out because they worked so hard to be the best. And now you can see why they are where they are. Their hard work paid off.
You get out of hitting what you put into it. And don't be shy to ask for help from a parent, coach or teammate. Every great player has had help. Support from others, hard work and preparation will get you where you want to be.
Jeffery A Wise invites you to learn the proven system of baseball hitting so that you can learn how to hit a baseball better. Start learning today with our blog about hitting the baseball, watching our videos and following us on Twitter and Facebook.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeffery_A_Wise
Check out the Hurricane Hitting Machine: Derek Jeter Series:
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Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine

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