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You've all seen the scenario dozens of times. A ball is hit into the outfield with a runner on first base. The outfielder picks the ball up and tries to get the base runner at third base. The ball sails over the heads of the infielders and on to third base. The ball bounces past the third baseman and the runner continues around third and scores a run while sliding into home. Meanwhile the batter who hit the ball has moved himself over to third base! The cause of this mess? Lack of proper baseball instruction and understanding.
Usually this occurs at the younger level of baseball where youth baseball drills specifically relating to the usage of a relay man are not practiced enough. Here are some quick pointers to help alleviate the pain and frustration associated with missed relay guys and rogue base runners.
1. Infielders Take Control
Baseball has no place for shy or timid infielders. If infielders do not take control of the scenario with a base hit to the outfield, potential of disaster increases greatly. During baseball drills, coaches need to focus on training the infielders (specifically the SS and 2B) by directing the play. Using verbal cues like "hit me hit me" or "relay relay" by infielders will improve outfielders awareness for where to throw the ball.
2. Correct Positioning is Key
With a ball hit to the left side of the diamond into the outfield and a play at 2B or 3B, the SS becomes the relay man and needs to place himself in a straight line between the outfielder and the base where the throw will go. If there is a ball hit to the right side of the diamond into the outfield with a play at 2B or 3B, the 2B becomes the relay man. This cannot be worked on enough during youth baseball drills as middle infielders must perform this flawlessly.
The bottom line is then practice during baseball drills and consistency. All ages can be taught to understand the proper relay process. Therefore, poor performance cannot be blamed solely on the age of the athlete.
Nate Barnett is owner of BMI Baseball designed to improve the mental game of baseball in athletes. Come download a free ebook on dealing with failure in baseball.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nate_Barnett
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Have a great day, Nick