Youth Baseball - Boy Meets Cup
By Robert Bulka
Does you son play in a organized youth baseball league? Does he wear a protective cup?
What is a protective cup?
A protective cup is a cushioned, hard plastic, banana shaped protector of the male genitalia. The protective cup is inserted into the pocket of a athletic supporter. An athletic supporter is an elastic waistband with leg straps that connect to the pocket. The athletic supported, also known as a jock strap, is put on before underwear, sliding or and baseball pants.
Why wear a protective cup?
As a youth baseball coach the I strongly recommend even the youngest children wearing a cup to protect the testicles. Whether your boy plays the infield, outfield, or pitcher a cup is recommend to protect him from injury should the ball hit in the groin area. A cup is absolutely mandatory if your son plays catcher - no exceptions.
Does the athletic support alone provide protection?
A parent who's son was involved in youth baseball asked me if wearing an athletic supporter provides the same protection as cup. Unfortunately the jock strap does not provide protection for the "family jewels". Worn alone, it will hold the testicles close to the body and prevent them from flopping around.
Isn't wearing a protective cup uncomfortable?
Wearing the protective cup could be uncomfortable if it's the wrong size or worn without an athletic supporter. Some cups now have brief type supporters and are much more comfortable.
So parents take this youth baseball tip to heart and protect your sons "family jewels".
Robert Bulka is a former college baseball pitcher and current coach in the New York Metropolitan area. For more great tips for teaching kids how to play baseball go to http://www.TeachKidsBaseball.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Bulka
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